I then read the If You Seek Amy entry, where I declared my #1 love to Amy Poehler, and this just confirmed that I should start blogging again because the world needs more blog posts about Amy Poehler. 2009 Amy had great taste, and apparently she still does. Ew talking in third person doesn't feel right. Anyhow, super obsessed with Amy Poehler, see below. So this first foray back into the world of blogging is going to represent a few things with which I'm currently obsessed.
5. St Germain. Elderflower liqueur from the Swiss Alps. It's a topper, only like 40 proof, but it adds an almost lychee like flavor to everything. Thus it makes everything out of control. Tastes great in orange juice, raspberry lemonade, tonic water, Sprite, or plain. I drink this just about every day (is drinking every day a problem?), I am in fact drinking this now. Hub 51 in Chicago has a great Germain and Juice cocktail, and Zocalo in KC has a great Gin Blossom drink that utilizes Germain perfectly. This is the best tasting alcohol in existence and the bottle ain't bad to look at either.

4. Top Chef. I have watched every season, and somehow they manage to keep it fresh even with the same challenges (hello Restaurant Wars!). This year it's a real social study on how awful women are to each other, which is just fantastic. Beverly is so scattered and harried and it kills me, but Sarah and Lindsay are straight up bitches to her. I'm not saying I wouldn't be the same because I so would be...I'd write her off day one because she cried. There's no crying in baseball. Girls are so catty and passive aggressive, and it always makes for fantastic TV. Always, don't ever change Top Chef. Every year, there are such talented chefs (and gorgeous ones, Michael Voltaggio, I'm talking to you) and the best guest judges (and gorgeous ones, Eric Ripert, I'm talking to you). Plus the dishes they produced for the wickedly good challenge this week were incredible (Paul with the hand print! Chris with the poison apple! Dying.) and made me want to eat lamb heart.

3. Funny girls. See Tina Fey's photo bomb during Amy Poehler's nominee shot at the Golden Globes. Best. See Mindy Kaling's book, Is Everyone Having Fun Without Me? I feel a real kinship with Ms. Kaling, we have similar upbringings (ethnic younger children of doctors/professional parents) and opinions on sluts. Seriously though, both she and Tina Fey wrote great books last year. I Lol'ed.

2. Parks and Recreation. This show had me at hello, but it just keeps getting better. I would watch Amy Poehler do just about anything. I would (LITERALLY) watch her kill someone, and then help her hide the evidence or even take the blame for it. Aziz Ansari is manic and hilarious and if you haven't seen his standup or 30 Minutes or Less you should do so, you won't be disappointed. And Nick Offerman's Ron Swanson is my new hero. His drunk on Snake Juice dancing is without a doubt my favorite thing I've seen on TV in years. It makes me happy, I want a gif of it to be my avatar.
Pratt falls. Period.
And then they add Adam Scott at the end of season two. Adam "Henry Pollard" Scott. Adam "Derek Fucking Catalina Wine Mixer" Scott. I can go on. Simply put, I adore Adam Scott. Love Adam Scott. Want to bear his children (and that is the greatest endorsement I can give any man, as I do not wish to bear children). He is the dream. He is also apparently also GQ magazine's dream because he was listed as a part of the Axis of Good Looking Actors along with Paul Rudd (my other love) and Jon Hamm. Don't hate.
Paul Rudd is currently guesting this season too! The writers have trespassed into my thoughts and brought my two dream men together (other than in real life where they are friends), and they will be paid handsomely (by the studio not by me I have like $60 to my name) for this.
Obsessed with Ben and Leslie. An adorable man with a cute face and the future President of the United States...what? are the cutest couple ever (and very popular as evidenced by an alarming amount of caricatures and anime of the two drawn by fans--none by me I swear). The writers have taken their time to develop the relationship over almost two seasons, and the culmination in Road Trip and then Smallest Park episodes were just so perfectly done. If these two characters don't get married on the show, I will go to LA, find both actors and make them put on a fake wedding just so I can die happy. This needs to happen. Louis CK better not eff things up. I will cut him, muthafucka bout to be stabbed.

1. Staycations. I'm on one starting tomorrow after my cases. Going places is overrated, studying rocks! Yes, I am drunk.

There was no picture that represented vacation better than the Ron Swanson Snake Juice Dance. You're welcome.
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